The way customers expect to interact with businesses has evolved dramatically over the past few years. The customer experience has become increasingly digital as other industries have quickly adopted new technologies.
While slow to adopt new technology at first, insurance companies are fast catching up to the innovative expectations of modern customers. Today, we will look at some of the most important features that policyholders are looking for in 2022 and beyond.
Today's top 3 motor claims experience must-haves
Remote experience
Remember the old Apple slogan, “There’s an app for that”? Well, it’s more true now than ever before. Smartphones have made our lives far easier, offering us access to the entire internet and all its knowledge right in our pockets.
Insurers can use smartphone apps to improve the policyholder’s experience. Even a simple self-service portal for managing their policy can improve a customer’s satisfaction level. Empowering customers to make simple changes to their account — like updating their contact details — can make the difference between someone choosing your business or looking elsewhere.
A smartphone app can also help make the claims process quicker and easier. Policyholders can open a claim within seconds of an incident, gather evidence, and significantly reduce the time it takes to process a claim. For claims that take a little longer, apps can be used to give policyholders regular updates on the status of their claims to ensure they stay in the loop.
Visual Intelligence
Visual Intelligence is one of the most exciting new technologies hitting the insurance industry. Visual Intelligence works similarly to Artificial Intelligence, but it specializes in making sense of images and visual data the same way a human mind would.
An app powered by Visual Intelligence can be used to gather evidence at the scene of an incident, analyze that evidence, and potentially resolve a claim within minutes of first notice of loss. The VI can guide the policyholder through a simple but comprehensive evidence-gathering process that can be used to decide the claim result.
Once evidence is gathered, the VI — in tandem with a Machine Learning AI — can check against a vast range of previously collected evidence to identify similarities and differences. Anything unusual will be flagged for intervention by a human agent, and claims with similar characteristics to previous valid claims can be automatically resolved. VI will also use the previously gathered data to give highly accurate estimates of damage costs.
New technologies
As you may have guessed already, embracing technology is key to impressing modern customers. Every day, the insurtech industry gets bigger and more impressive. Insurers should keep on top of new developments to retain existing policyholders and attract new ones.
Visual Intelligence has been an amazing lifeline for an industry highly susceptible to fraud. 80% of insurance professionals see fighting fraud as a priority, and 20% of claims in 2022 are suspected to be fraudulent. Visual Intelligence can fight fraud by checking against thousands of other claims and identifying irregularities.
The blockchain promises to overhaul the industry’s digital security efforts by offering immutable communication and data logging. This will make the claims process more secure and protect customer data better than we’ve ever been able to before.
The mass digitization of the insurance industry is also set to improve the lives of those working within it. AI, machine learning, and visual intelligence will power automation, taking tedious and time-consuming jobs away from agents. This will allow them to spend their time better serving customers and creating excellent customer experiences.
Ready to futureproof your insurance business? Contact us at Bdeo today!
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