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Protect dreams, restore lives: the reason the insurance industry exists

04 November 2021 · By Irene Martínez

You probably know somebody who’s bought a house and wondered, “Why should I insure it? Nothing’s going to happen.” Until it does. Until a bathroom pipe breaks, and causes a leak in the neighbor’s house. Or until a pan gets dropped, and breaks the induction cooktop. 

Accidents can and will happen. They happen while you’re in the car, though insurance is mandatory, and not having insurance is not an option, in that case. But they also happen at home, with health issues, travel, and often in the most unexpected ways. And the insurance industry exists precisely for that: to offer help to people when accidents do happen. 

To know that, when we have a problem in our home, someone is going to sort it all out, is cause for great relief. It helps us feel safe and protected. Indeed, insurance helps us care for our most precious possessions, just as a bank does with our hard-earned money. Whether it is our home, car or health, having someone take care of all this is really important, it’s what we need.

Some weeks ago, Jose María Castelo, Bdeo’s Senior Advisor, talked to us about this, about the reason the insurance industry exists. And he gave us a maxim that perfectly sums up its goal: “Protect dreams, restore lives”.

As Castelo explained, insurance exists to protect our dreams, our homes, cars, well-being, and those longed for trips that we have been planning for months. When we insure something, it gives us peace of mind. It covers the “just in case”. It allows us to be calm, if that accident we don’t want to happen, actually happens. Unfortunately, sometimes it does. And that’s when insurance steps in, to help us restore our lives, and recover our home, vehicle, or health. 

In short, insurance is synonymous with peace of mind, and, if you’ll forgive the repetition, it gives us the surety that there’s a safety net we can count on. 

So, what does Bdeo bring to the insurance industry to reinforce that sense of security and confidence in being able to restore your life to how it was before? Well, thanks to our video-expert evaluation solutions, we offer insurance companies all the necessary support to allow them to automate a large part of their processes, and thus streamline their claims management. This, ultimately, means we are offering a better experience to the insuree at the most critical times, such as, for instance, when a storm strikes, and claims flood in. It is in such moments that we can really help improve the insuree’s experience, and the insurance company’s mission to protect their dreams, and help them restore their lives.

That’s why, when someone you know buys a house, and is thinking of not insuring it, tell them why insurance exists. That is, so that if the worst happens they can quickly get back to their living their life, and dreaming their dreams.

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