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Sustainable, functional, and fun. This is the new Bdeo office.

24 June 2021 · By Ruth Puente

Albert Einstein said, “The measure of intelligence is the ability to change”. We truly believe it, and we are proud to present our changes. A few weeks ago, we made our new branding public: a much more powerful and elegant identity, capable of reflecting our claim, “power to change the insurance industry”. It comes with a new logo, new lines, and a new way of communicating what we do on our new website. The content is better organised and detailed, and it reflects why we are leaders in the insurtech sector. Furthermore, we can’t leave aside the three pillars of Bdeo: automation, innovation, and confidence. 

However, as I said, all these changes do not come alone. We have also opened new offices. We haven’t moved from our previous one, that is true; but, the space we now have is bigger and better. It is a new working environment where we feel at home and it is more sustainable. It is designed for today’s work, and also tomorrow’s.

The office now has more floor space. This means we can have more meeting rooms, more inspiring areas, and enjoy more spaces to share moments with our colleagues. After all, it’s true; we need to be in contact with our colleagues beyond a computer screen. And all thanks to the work of the 2Bold studio to make it happen.

See, Bdeo is growing. Over the last months, we have launched new teams with transversal functions acroiss the company, such as the Product and the Marketing teams. We have strengthened other areas, such as Sales and Data. We have done all of this to achieve the incredible goals we have ahead of us.

Moreover, Bdeo has been given a new look, with the new claim in the main workspace. This is so that no one forgets what we all do at Bdeo: we change the insurance industry. 

I absolutely identify with the words of architect Norman Foster, “Everything is design, and design quality affects the quality of our lives”. Space has an impact on what we do, how we think, and how we feel. It can make a better version of us, make us more creative, and encourage innovation and cooperation between its occupants. Or, it can do quite the opposite. It can isolate us, turn us off, and kill any spark of creativity.

At Bdeo, we wanted to be able to enjoy a space that represented us, that made us stronger, more innovative, and that strengthened the team. We wanted a bright, green, fun, dynamic, and flexible office. We wanted an office like the future of work that has arrived on our doorsteps all of a sudden, and that is here to stay.

I think we have made it. The team will be able to work from home on occasion. However, they will have a very special space: one of those places where you want to be, without really knowing why.

Sincerely, we can’t think of a better way to make the most of this beautiful and functional office than with the greatest talent that we could bring on board. Careers. I’m sure there is one that fits you, and, very soon, we could be having a coffee together in our canteen.

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