Zurich Mexico: how to drastically streamline claims handling
07 September 2022 · By Ana Navarrina
When innovation is one of the fundamental pillars of our clients, incredible things happen. This is undoubtedly the case with Zurich Mexico, a Bdeo client since it came to us in 2017 with a challenge to solve.
If you want to learn about it, read on.
Objective: faster claims handling
In Mexico, when a claim occurs, the insured must remain at the scene of the accident until the adjuster arrives to assess the damage. This results in a long waiting experience, especially in places like Mexico City, where traffic is extremely dense.
With the customer at the center of its strategy, Zurich Mexico set out to shorten claims handling to create a more seamless experience. There were two essential improvements to make:
Reduce claims resolution times.
Reduce authorization times to repair centers.
The solution: Artificial Intelligence technology
This is how Zurich Mexico decided to incorporate Bdeo's technology, capable of reducing process times.
In 2019, Zurich Virtual Adjustment by Bdeo was born, to offer immediate attention in case of a claim. It works like this: a virtual adjuster sends the insured an SMS with a link to connect to a video call through which he or she will attend to the claim. With this, the company resolves the entire adjustment process in less time than it would have taken the adjuster just to arrive at the scene of the incident.
In addition, in 2021, Bdeo Estimate is born, which offers repair authorization in record time. When the vehicle enters the shop, photographs are captured through Bdeo SmartPhoto and uploaded into the system along with other administrative data. Bdeo's Artificial Intelligence analyzes these images and generates a file in which the vehicle's damage is identified and a first economic estimate of the necessary repairs is provided in a matter of seconds. The appraiser authorizes the repair almost immediately and the system in turn generates spare parts vouchers for the parts supply, so that the workshop can start work.
If you want to know the results that Zurich has achieved with our technology, such as the exact reduction in claims handling time and authorization time, you can download the case study from our website for free.
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